Sunday, December 31, 2006


As the year two thousand and six comes to an end, we look back on so many sad and wonderful moments. We are deeply saddened at the loss of our family members and close friends who are no longer with us. They will forever live on in our memory, and in our hearts. Having our dream come true when Stefanie was placed in our arms was the best day of our lives. We have so much joy with Stefanie, it does not seem possible she has only been with us seven months. Stefanie is a very funny little girl, and always makes us laugh. We are fortunate to be blessed with wonderful family, friends, our health and much happiness in our life.

Tonight, we had dinner at Sampan and then we went home to celebrate New Year's Eve. Since Stefanie goes to bed at 8:00 pm, we choose to celebrate New Year's Eve early. I want to make sure everyone out there knows we did not drink any alcohol, but toasted with Sparkling Cider. Stefanie only drinks apple juice so having sparkling cider in a very small glass not only was a treat but, a new taste she truly loved! Unfortunately for Aunt Theresa, Stefanie spilled her cider all over the both of them since she was sitting on Theresa’s lap.

We wish you all love, happiness and prosperity in 2007. Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve dinner at Sampan.

Theresa and Stefie drinking sparkling

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Stefanie Ai Ying



Stefanie, Jon & Diana


Tonight we had to wait an hour before being seated for dinner, and during the wait I took photos. After dinner, we walked to Temple Square and looked at the beautiful Christmas lights. I forgot to mention during dinner I went to the restroom with Stefanie to change her diaper, and it finally happened today. I turned my back for just a second to get a diaper out of the bag and turned around to discover Stefanie threw her nice hair bow into the toilet. The hair bow was automatically flushed away before are eyes! Good thing as there was no way I wanted the hair bow back. Theresa, Jon and I had a good laugh and the lesson taught me not to turn my back on Stefanie. Fortunately, the hair bow Stefie lost actually had two when I purchased it.

"Baby running free"

Friday, December 29, 2006


Today, Jon and I signed our Adoption Contract, and Home Study Application with our agency, Wasatch International Adoptions. Our plan at is to submit our Dossier to China on June 2, 2006 (on the anniversary of Stefanie arriving home). We are so excited to adopt another little girl from China, and for Stefanie to have a little sister. Jon and I will be requesting a child from the age of 0-13 months.

We decided to pick our daughter's name before we start the adoption process, unlike our first time. Our daughter's name will be Kailey, and her middle name will be her given Chinese name.


Stefanie has had several occurrences leaking through her diaper, and rubber pants while we have been out running errands. You think I would have learned by now, but I kept forgetting to put extra clothing in the car always thinking it would not happen again. Today, we had another occurrence. Every time I have to buy Stefanie something to wear. Normally I would not post photos of Stefanie like this, but I hope this might help those of you out there who had not thought of this before.

Here are photos of Stefanie with Theresa (my sister) in the Walgreens restroom, before I purchased a new outfit at Walgreens. Today, we were at the party store and here is poor Stefanie caught again in her rubber pants. After the party store we went next door to Babies “R” Us and purchased another outfit. I now have clothing that will remain in the car at all times.

12/29/06, The Party Store

12/15/06, Walgreens

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Photos of Stefie taken today.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


This morning Stefanie played with her new Disney tea set (a gift from uncle Danny and cousins Logan and Morgan) on her new Disney princess blanket made by a close friend (Debbie Anderson).