Thursday, November 30, 2006


This week I enrolled Stefanie in My Gym, and classes will be once a week for an hour, with one hour a week free playtime. The class began with introductions and warm up stretches. We sang songs, played as a group, and had free time. Stefie walked stairs, used the slide, played in the ball pit, walked the mats, did a few forward tumbles, sat in a swing, and played a drum. The class ended with us singing a song, popping bubbles, and enjoying a story with a penguin. Stefie received a stamp of a flower, on her hand and belly button, which she loved! Theresa (my sister) was nice enough to take photos for us.

Stefanie did not know what to do with so many

Stefanie & Ella

Stefanie & Ella

On Monday, November 27, Stefanie decided it would be nice to have a new hat (Mine).