Thursday, November 09, 2006


Tonight we went to see Disney on Ice, but before hand we attended the Media Party. Stefanie took photos with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. This was so exciting for her and even more for us. When Jon was a little boy and could not read, his Father George, would receive letters from Disney. (Jon's father's letters were press releases.) George would sit Jon on his lap and make up the letter as he read it to Jon telling Jon, he was receiving letters from Mickey Mouse. Who knew when we both grew up we would both have worked for Disney.

I suppose the tradition will continue only now Stefie has the wonderful opportunities to actually meet Mickey, Minnie and friends up close and in person. Stefie did great with the show and what a great show it was. The video is of Stefie running around and interacting with other kids for the very first time. We could not resist letting her do this tonight since it was the first time. Look at the smile on her face. She loves to copy what other kids are doing.

Its all about the shoes!

Daddy thought it was funny to let Stefie
eat a hot dog on her own for the first

Stefie loves her Dalmation hat.