Monday, January 09, 2006


June 14, 2004 - Monday
Started placing calls to adoption agencies inquiring about international adoption.

June 17, 2004 - Thursday
Jon talked to Barbara Smith regarding recommendations for adoption agencies. Barb forwards an e-mail to Jon recommending Wasatch International Adoption. I begin to place phone calls on Wasatch International Adoptions with the Better Business Bureau, US Consulates Office, etc.

June 20, 2004 - Sunday
Wasatch International Adoption Agency came highly recommended. We are choosing WIA as our agency. I start researching all countries Wasatch (WIA) works with for international adoptions. Jon and I are considering China and Ukraine. I begin to research both countries online.

June 21, 2004 - Monday
I phoned our adoption agency regarding questions I had about the adoption process. Kathy Junk will mail out an adoption information packet. I inform Kathy, Jon and I will have a decision as to which country we will adopt from when we return from visiting our family in California.

June 22, 2004 - Tuesday
I received the Wasatch adoption packet. Jon and I are discussing our options and which country we feel is best for us at this time. I am 98% sure we will be choosing to adopt from Ukraine due to Jon's family history.

June 24, 2004 - Thursday
I received another e-mail from Kathy answering questions I had for the Ukrainian facilitator.

June 25, 2004 - Friday
Jon and I fly to California and we decide on the airplane we will adopt from Ukraine.

June 27, 2004 - Saturday
I receive another e-mail from Kathy regarding answers from the Ukrainian facilitator.

June 28, 2004 - Monday
I visit with one of my best friends Norma and she gives me many books on adoption and also includes an older copy of a Baby name book.

July 1, 2004 - Thursday
Jon and I purchased a new updated baby name book in California to take with us on the airplane ride home. We try to create a list of names we both like.

July 7, 2004 - Wednesday
I filled out the adoption application as much as I could. I need additional information from Jon.

July 8, 2004 - Thursday
Completed adoption application with Jon as additional financial statements were required. Wrote a check for adoption application fee.

July 9, 2004 - Friday
I mailed adoption application to WIA.

July 18, 2004 - Sunday
I create a list of questions I have for our adoption agency regarding the home study documentation required.

July 21, 2004 - Wednesday
I went to the Bank and got a cashiers check. This check is for our Program Fee and Home Study Fee. The Bank teller issued three cashiers checks as he kept typing the name of the adoption agency wrong. Jon said he will handle making copies of Service Contract/Adoptive Parents Agreement Contract after we have it notarized. I phoned Fed Ex and set up an account for all transactions. Scheduled a pick up for tomorrow morning.

July 22, 2004 - Thursday
I went to Kinko’s to make copies of all contract agreements as Jon did not copy documents properly and part of the documents were missing. This flipped me out a bit as I thought I was having a nice morning taking it easy with my cup of coffee double checking documents to be mailed out. I had one sip of coffee and realized there was a problem. I quickly changed Fed Ex pick up to late afternoon and rushed to Kinko’s to make copies again. I went to Staples and purchased storage container to keep all adoption documents in one place. I went to Target and purchased more office supplies for adoption.

Reviewed and assembled documents and found a couple of boxes not marked on contract I quickly took care of this on all copies. This has taught me to triple check everything! Fed Ex came and picked up documents on time.

July 25, 2004 - Sunday
Jon and I go to lunch and decide to purchase more items for adoption. We went to Office Max and purchased a fax, copier and scanner all in one. Jon and I drive to Best Buy. Jon wants to purchase a new hard drive adding additional memory to our computer.

July 26, 2004 - Monday
I went online to print information out on California’s requirements for obtaining certified copies of birth certificates and Jon's divorce decree. I place a call to County Clerk's Office in California but no one answers they must have gone home for the day, I’ll try again tomorrow. I printe out information on how to obtain a certified copy of our Marriage Certificate from Las Vegas, Nevada online.

July 27, 2004 - Tuesday
This morning Jon is connecting our all in one fax, copier and scanner for me. I am ready to start copying documents required for Home Study. Jon mentioned there’s a problem with our laptop as there is not enough memory on the hard drive to fully install the machine. He can set it up temporarily for me to use. I suggest he purchase the new hard drive today online and have it delivered to us. He could not find the hard drive he wanted when we were at Best Buy on Sunday.

I phoned LA County Records Archive Department regarding requirements for copies of Jon’s divorce decree. I double check to see whose signature from adoption agency rep. accepted the Fed Ex package I mailed out on Thursday. Package was unable to be delivered overnight as agency was closed for Utah Pioneer Day (Holiday). When viewing Fed Ex info. I discovered Fed Ex charged Jon’s work for my package even though I crossed out all information and placed my own account numbers on label. They seem to track all labels. I place a call to Fed Ex to change make an address change on my personal account as there was a problem when they set up the account. I spoke to a Fed Ex Rep. who stated she could not change billing information to my account and that Jon’s work will have to be billed for my package and only then can his work call and ask that Jon and I be charged for this package.

Called Jon up and left a message informing on Fed Ex package and to speak to company rep. in Billing Dept. and have them notify him when they get charged for this.

August 1, 2004 - Monday
Phoned Dr.’s office to schedule an appointment to have medical certificates notarized and start vaccinations required for international travel. Phoned six different traveling notaries, left messages.

August 2, 2004 - Tuesday
I phoned a few more Notaries. I continue to read adoption training manuel.

August 3, 2004 - Wednesday
Two Notaries called back. I scheduled an appointment to meet with one Notary at Dr.’s office tomorrow.

August 4, 2004 - Thursday
I had a Dr.’s appointment to have four medical certificates notarized. Traveling Notary met me at the office.

August 5, 2004 - Friday
I faxed over notarized copies of medical certificate to WIA. I make extra copies of packing list requirements and continue to read the training manual.

I phone Fed Ex and schedule a pick up to mail out request for Jon’s certified copy of his divorce decree.

August 10, 2004 - Tuesday
Phoned Dianne Squires at Wasatch, I have questions regarding my medical certificate. I faxed over copies for Dianne to review. I had problems with the traveling notary. The Notary did not sign documents, smudged notary stamp and placed papers on water. I wrote my name in backwards on the documents. Per Dianne, the medical certificate needs to be redone. All 4 copies are inaccurate. I typed up a new medical certificate including notary jurat language and some minor changes Wasatch requested on form.

From here on out all our new Notary is Ida Anderson, a co-worker of Jons. Ida is so kind to help us out wtih all documents, she has been so helpful to us and has made our lives a lot easier.

I phoned Department of Health regarding Ukrainian vaccinations and left a message for someone to call me back.

August 26, 2004 - Thursday
Jon and I have our first Home Study meeting with our social worker Donna.

August 27, 2004 - Friday
Today we have our first appointment at the Department of Health Travel Clinic for our first round of vaccinations. Jon gets five shots and I get three shots.

September 1, 2004 - Wednesday
Jon and I have our second Home Study meeting. Jon has his interview with Donna.

September 2, 2004 - Thursday
Jon and I go to the Police Department to get manual fingerprints taken. We discover I have unique fingerprints. My prints are considered rare and are more round. I always knew I was different.

September 9, 2004 - Thursday
Jon and I have our third Home Study meeting. I have my interview with Donna.

September 28, 2004 - Tuesday
Jon gets two shots from the travel clinic and I get two shots today.

October 11, 2004 - Monday
Jon and I have our fourth Home Study meeting.

October 29, 2004 - Friday
We received a letter from Wasatch re: changes taking place in Ukraine and two adoptive families coming home without children. Wasatch has asked adoptive families to seriously reconsider Ukraine program and choose another country. Jon and I are very saddened by the news although China was my first choice. I was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable with the way things were going in Ukraine. Some how I feel a relief from all of this. I had a talk with Jon 2 months ago and seriously had doubts about the Ukrainian program and that perhaps we should seriously reconsider continuing on with Ukraine.

Jon and I take the weekend to phone Dianne and talk with her about our decision. We immediately decide we will change countries to China and I’m anxious to start this as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, WIA is closed on the weekend. We wait till Monday morning.


November 4, 2004 - Thursday
Today I receive the new China Training Manual along with China contracts to sign and return to Wasatch. I am overwhelmed when I realize after 4 months and 15 days into this process we have to start all over again with new documents. China was my first choice and I realize so many times adoptive parents have stated just as they started to make the decision to adopt their children were being born at the time they started the process.

November 9, 2004 - Tuesday
Jon and I signed China Adoptive Parents Contract and mail signed contract to Wasatch.

December 3, 2004 - Friday
I receive a phone call from Patricia at WIA and find out Jon’s FBI fingerprints have been denied. His prints were smudged and a new set has been mailed to FBI. My FBI Investigation has been approved after 3 months and is on its way to Wasatch. We do not know if Jon’s prints will take another three months or not. Hopefully not, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for good luck.

December 27, 2004 - Monday
Today I feel like I have made a little progress. I have been feeling very stressed out and have not had much time to focus on adoption paperwork with Christmas. Now that its all over I am starting over again. Today, I have made calls to the Travel Clinic to double check on any additional vaccinations that may be required for travel to China. I received a call back from Holly and there are no other vaccinations required.

I phoned our local Police Department re: Good conduct letters for Jon and myself. Drove to Police Department and received letters and notarization for free! I phoned my Dr.’s office re: third medical certificate to be completed, again. Due to change in countries she has to do the form one more time. My appointment is scheduled for January 3, 2004. I have typed up the personal application letter to the China Adoption Center and faxed to Kathy Kaiser to review before I have it notarized. I have typed up my Non-Employment letter to have it notarized.

I went to Staples and I have purchased more office supplies and plastic bins to separate China from Ukraine paperwork. What a mess I feel like I want to pull my hair out!

December 30, 2004 - Thursday
Jon and I receive a phone call from our social worker Donna, she informs us Jon’s FBI Investigation and approval paperwork arrived. Yeah! What an accomplishment this feels like and were not even half way there yet.

Jon and I have our fifth Home Study meeting.

December 31, 2004 - Friday
I work on reorganizing paperwork. I feel so much better I am almost done having everything organized and in one file. I discovered the I-17H INS paperwork and fingerprints last round will take about 2 – 3 months to get back. I think I can get all documents authenticated by various States before doing the final step.

January 2, 2005 - Sunday
Today I work on more paperwork. I finish reorganizing all of the adoption files from Ukraine to China. I work on gathering all documentation required for home study and INS Immigration documentation.

January 11, 2005 - Tuesday
Jon and I have our last Home Study meeting.

January 21, 2005 - Friday
I Fed Ex’d marriage license and birth certificates to Kathy at Wasatch Int’l Adoptions.

January 22, 2005 - Saturday
Jon and I get current passport photos.

January 24, 2005 - Monday
Home Study is returned to us completed. Unfortunately, it needs to be revised.

January 25, 2005 - Tuesday
I picked up a passport renewal application form from post office today for Jon’s passport.

January 26, 2005 - Wednesday
I phoned Wasatch and left Kathy a message to call me back. I spent most of the day making good quality copies of Jon’s divorce decree. We received revised final Home Study from Donna.

January 27, 2005 - Thursday
I phoned Kathy at Wasatch re: Invoice dated Jan. 26, 2005. I wanted to know if marriage certificate was sent to Nevada and birth certificates for Jon and I mailed to California as invoice was typed showing birth certificates were mailed to Nevada. Kathy stated invoice was typed wrong but documents were mailed to the right place.

I asked if Jon’s divorce decree should be mailed for authentication. It does not. I just found out I have an old manual and a new updated version will be mailed to me. I found out Letters of Good Conduct from Police Department must be individual letters for Jon and myself. I have to go to the Police Department and have the letters done again. I asked Kathy if a copy of the Home Study can be mailed to USCIS and she stated it cannot and we need to mail an original. I told Kathy I will mail an original revised updated Home Study to Wasatch tomorrow along with the check for Invoice. Kathy will mail out new updated manual.

I should just plan on doing everything at least three or four times and I will be ok. I keep reminding myself I am getting closer to completing all of this paperwork. After all I have done, I have read two training manuals for two different countries what is one more with an updated version. This paperwork is driving me crazy!

January 28, 2005 - Friday
I mailed out USCIS application today.

February 2, 2005 - Wednesday
I received new revised China Manual from our adoption agency. I made copies for the Police Department letters of Good Conduct to be revised. Placed post-it notes all over new revised China Manual so that I can quickly look up sections in the manual easily. We received a letter from the United States Department of Homeland Security. Our documents have been logged and they processed our paperwork today.

February 3, 2005 - Thursday
I drove to the Police Department to get revised Letters of Good Conduct.

February 9, 2005 - Wednesday
I received notification from the United States Department of Homeland Security to go for final FBI fingerprints. Processing time is approximately 30 – 45 days from receipt of all paperwork.

February 12, 2005 - Saturday
We had our USCIS fingerprint appointment today. This is our last fingerprint appointment.

February 15, 2005 - Tuesday
I faxed all documentation to Kathy at Wasatch to check before submitting to State of Utah, in order to obtain State seals on all our paperwork for dossier. Jon printed out photos of our home and ourselves for our dossier.

February 16, 2005 - Wednesday
I reprinted our photos of our formal living room and formal dining room. Jon found a typo under our photos as he printed out explanations of what each room was. I went to the Bank to get a money order for “State of Utah”. This money order is to have our documents authenticated. Dianne at Wasatch phoned to say all of our documents are ok to submit to the State of Utah.

I noticed our Home Study and Application Letter to China did not state if we wanted healthy children or special needs. I re-typed our application letter to China. I reviewed all documents and I noticed my non-employment letter was wrong as year and the year the Notary signed does not match. Jon reprinted the non-employment letter again. I will get this document notarized tomorrow. I made a copy of money order I will give to the State for Authentication of all documents. I double checked all documents before I submit our documents to the State of Utah.

February 17, 2005 - Thursday
I made two copies of my non-employment letter after I had it notarized. I drove to the State of Utah Authentication's office to have all our documents authenticated. Spencer in the office of Fran Fish, State of Utah Authentication Office was very helpful and friendly not to mention quick! I drove all my documents with State seals to our adoptions agency. I am so happy as I only have one more document that need to be driven up to our agency and I am done with all paperwork and we can submit dossier to China. We are awaiting I-171H approving all background clearances from the FBI.

February 23, 2005 - Wednesday
Our documents are now at the China Embassy awaiting seals.

February 28, 2005 - Monday
Jon and I have our last round of shots at the travel clinic. Jon gets one shot and I get one shot. We are now officially done with shots. Today I feel one step closer to meeting our daughters.

March 9, 2005 - Wednesday
I received letter from USCIS stating we need to resubmit front and back of marriage certificate. It seems my original document was lost. I quickly grabbed one of our original marriage certificates and drove to the post office by 4:30 pm to Fed-Ex this to USCIS office. I had a whole five minutes to spare before Fed-Ex made the final pick up for the evening.

March 10, 2005 - Thursday
USCIS received our Fed-Ex envelope at 10:00 am.

March 31, 2005 - Thursday
Its finally arrived! We received the I-171H and this is our last document to get a Utah State Seal. We are finished submitting all documents for our dossier. What an exciting day! This day is one of our best days. It makes things seem so much closer to meeting our children. It has been 9 months and five days of doing paperwork.

April 1, 2005 - Friday
I go to the Bank and get a money order for State of Utah Authentication. I make a copy of the money order. Jon and I went to Authentication's office to get State seal on I-171H. Jon and I drive this last document to our adoption agency. We took some photos of our paperwork but we’ll drive back to WIAA once the I-171H comes back to the agency with all official seals. At 3:00 pm adoption agency Fed-Ex’d our document to Washington, D.C.

April 4, 2005 - Monday
I-171H is in Washington, D.C today.

April 5, 2005 - Tuesday
Our I-171H should be getting its state seal.

April 6, 2005 - Wednesday
I-171H should be at the China Embassy getting the state seal.

April 12, 2005 - Tuesday
I-171H returns to WIAA with all state seals. Jon and I drive to our adoption agency to take pictures of our completed dossier. This means all documents have been done and we can submit these documents to Sabrina Chang, WIAA office in California to translate a letter in Mandarin Chinese, then this letter and our entire dossier goes to China. What an exciting day! Jon and I go out to dinner at PF Changs to celebrate the official occasion.

April 13, 2005 - Wednesday
DTC (Dossier to China) Nine months and 18 days to complete dossier and submit paperwork to China.

April 16, 2005 - Saturday
Our dossier arrives in China today.

April 20, 2005 - Wednesday
Dossier takes 3 days to get to China by courier. Its official. Jon and I celebrate with my parents in Las Vegas by having dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. The food is so good we never order desert. We were in Las Vegas for an annual convention Jon attends.

April 21, 2005 - Thursday
Jon and I receive an invitation to attend our adoption agency’s China Presentation from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. We attend and what a turn out. We had a presentation, got to know some families who will be traveling with us and talk to other adoptive parents at various stages in the adoption process. We had lunch and then the China Facilitator discussed preparations we need to make for our trip to China. Everyone had a great time. Approximately, fifty adoptive parents attended this meeting.

April 26, 2005 - Tuesday
Today is officially 10 days our documents have been in China waiting in the decontamination room.

May 12, 2005 - Thursday
China dossier logged in today. Yeah! We are finally logged in and the paperwork is finally in China. We have approximately seven more months to go before we get to see photos of our children.

June 20, 2005 - Monday
Today is officially one year from when Jon and I decided we were going to adopt using Wasatch as our adoption agency. I would never have imagined it would have taken so long processing papers just to get to this point.

August 22, 2005 - Monday
Jon and I go to the Post Office to mail out his passport for renewal.

September 24, 2005
Jon and I attend our adoption agencies China informational meeting on the trip to China and what to pack. We have a great meeting!

September 28, 2005 - Wednesday
Jon and I have a discussion about his passport and what happened to it. We do not remember who had kept the paperwork and I think I did but I do not know for sure. We seem to have misplaced this paperwork and receipt. Jon asks me if I received the certified mail card and I do not remember receiving it. Tomorrow morning I will go on the hunt for paperwork.

September 29, 2005 - Thursday
I go looking for Jon's passport receipts from the Post Office. I realize it is stamped received by some Bank. I go online and input Jon’s information into the government website system and it does not show being received. I call the passport office and discover there is a problem with them approving his passport but we do not know why as they will not give me the information. I am told to have Jon call their office and they will tell him over the telephone what he needs to do.

As I have mentioned before triple check everything. Maybe this sounds crazy to do this but I think excessively checking the documentation is probably a safe thing to do. If I had not called the passport office I would not have known there was a problem. They never sent us a letter. It is a good thing we were not in a hurry. I left Jon a message on his cell phone to call the passport center and handle this and I left him all the information he needs to do so. I send an e-mail request to the US Embassy in Guangzhou regarding our brown envelope.

Jon phoned National Passport Center regarding his passport. He discovered he did not sign the request. He will go to the post office obtain a second form sign it and mail it out as soon as possible.