Saturday, February 23, 2008


On February 23, 2008 we attended a very special party thrown by our adoption agency in honor of our Chinese facilitator Judy Wu and her son Mark. This was Judy and Mark's first visit to the United States and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to visit with Judy. Unfortunately, Stefanie did not wish to take photos so we don't have any with Stefanie and Judy. On our next visit to China we will be sure to have photos of Stefanie and Judy. We also did not have a chance to get photos of Judy's son Mark.

Wasatch had the party at an ice skating rink and we had a great time catching up with everyone. We had a chance to see our travel mates and Stefie's chinese sister Xanthe Dopp. Stefanie and Xanthe both lived in the same orphanage. It was so great seeing Xanthe and her mom Circe.

Stefanie and I had a chance to ice skate together for the first time. I haven't been on the ice in quite a while and this was Stefanie's first time. I loved it but pulled a muscle in my back carrying Stefie. Stefie decided she would pick her feet up off the ice as we skated around. Maybe I should say Stefie was dragged on the ice. Stefanie and I never fell and she did great for her first time. I think it will be quite a while before we attempt to skate together again. Jon decided to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground and take photos. Unfortunately there was only one spot for photos so he did the best he could. We all had a great time and we were so happy to see Judy and all our friends at Wasatch.

The Amazing Judy Wu & Jon

Stefanie with her forever china sister/travel mate,
Xanthe Dopp.

Daddy putting on Stefie's ice skates.

Stefie on the ice for the first time.

Take a look, Stefie's eyes are closed!