Saturday, April 07, 2007


The night before Stefanie's 2nd birthday, we placed 50 balloons in Stefanie's bedroom. I should say, I had the idea, but Jon did the work. While Jon was busy using the hellium tank, I made Stefanie a birthday card using her favorite characters, and wrapped all of her gifts.

I had the idea of placing all these balloons in Stefanie's room from a long time ago. One year for Valentine's Day, Jon surprised me by sneaking in our bedroom while I was asleep and filling the room with balloons. What an amazing surprise I had. Stefanie loves balloons, so we wanted to do something special for her.

Standing outside Stefanie's bedroom door.
Did I mention it is extremely late at night, or should
I say very early morning.

Jon working in the room down the hall
from Stefanie's bedroom.