Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Today is Stefanie's 3rd birthday and Jon and I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. Our baby is grown into a beautiful little girl! She is funny, and has such a beautiful laugh and smile. Stefanie is bright, very energetic, kind, gentle, a little performer, a singer, she loves to paint and draw, read books, do puzzles, play in with her dishes and kitchen. Stefanie sings the alphabet song to us only missing a few letters and she can count to 20. Jon and I are so blessed to share our lives with Stefanie. Every day is an amazing day with our daughter.

Stefanie is growing up way too fast and doing things I never expected. On Easter she asked me if I was the Easter Bunny. Can you imagine...she was not even three years old. Of course I explained I was not and I am not sure why she thought I was. She does not go to school yet to be influenced by others but what a surprise. Stefanie is now trying to order food from waiters and waitresses at restaurants, yet another surprise.

This morning Stefanie woke up so very happy and climbed in bed with me to tell me she had been dreaming of cake, ice cream and balloons. She also told me she wanted to eat bacon. Jon and I did not have any turkey bacon in the house so we decided to take Stefanie out to breakfast instead. She definitely ate bacon as she ate Jon's bacon, my bacon and her own, in addition to eating most of her breakfast. She had such a wonderful day and was so full of smiles and laughter all day long. It is hard to believe Stefanie's special day is now over with and that she is now 3 years old. Jon and I will have beautiful memories of this very special day.

I have created a slide of photos from today's birthday party with my sister Theresa, Jon, Stefanie and I. We had a quiet celebration together as I am still trying to get over the flu.