Saturday, July 28, 2007


Stefanie caught wearing Daddy's shoes once again, the same shoes different places. Look how much our baby has grown. Click on the photo to enlarge.

First photo taken August, 2007 at home in Utah, age 2 years and four months.
Second photo taken May, 2006, Guangzhou China, age 13 months.

I apologize taking such a long time to update Stefanie’s website. Things have been a bit crazy lately; we are all doing great and enjoying summer. My camera broke so I have been using a different camera and I have been putting off downloading all my photos. We went on vacation in June and had a wonderful trip, unfortunately on our last day I dropped my camera at Sea World and I am not sure it can be fixed.

My parents came to visit in June for two weeks after we returned from Florida. We have decided to put our home on the market and we are in the process of selling our home, and have been doing a lot of reorganizing. In the process, we are deeply saddened by the loss of my first cat Peter who passed away from kidney failure. Peter a.k.a Mr. Pete was a wonderful kitty that lived a long life, age 19+ that lived with my parents in California. Last Thursday night, July 26th our home was struck by lightning. Do you know what the odds are? Fortunately we are all ok and so is our home. Our home needed some minor repairs and everything seems to be ok.

We are enjoying summer and we try to get out as much as possible. I will try to post photos as soon as I can so in the meantime, here are a few until I can update Stefanie’s site.