Thursday, June 14, 2007

FAMILY DAY!!!!!!!!! MAY 22, 2007

June 12, 2007

Today is our one year anniversary with Stefanie. Last year we were blessed to become parents and have Stefanie placed in our arms. All we can say is where has the year gone. It seems as if Stefanie has always been a part of our family. We have had so many amazing moments and new adventures seeing the world through Stefanie's eyes. There have been so many days we could not possibly mention them all except to say every moment with Stefanie is a joy and we are truly honored to be her parents.

Awakening to Stefanie calling for us first thing in the morning to get her out of bed, and saying goodnight by kissing each other and giving lots of hugs, saying goodnight to everyone (all of Stefie's stuffed animals and dolls), and saying prayers together before we sleep is very special. We look forward to a lifetime of love, kisses and much laughter and a world of new discoveries. Life could not possibly be any better, with the exception to Kailey being placed in our arms and becoming parents once again. Life is truly complete and we know there is nothing better or more important to our lives than family and great friends!

We had to celebrate our special day a little different since, Jon had ratings sweeps. We had a great take out dinner at home with an ice cream cake. Everyday with Stefanie is special to us and we are so happy to all be together. Stefanie came down stairs with Jon as I took photos and we surprised Stefanie with balloons, cards and a giant slide (in the family room), art easel, color books and crayons. Stefanie loves to slide, and draw so we purchased gifts we knew she would love!

Below is a letter Jon wanted to post and photos of our beautiful baby girl on family day and now.

Today is a very special day for us. One year ago today the nannies from the YiYang Child Welfare Institute handed Stefanie to Diana and we became a family. This might not seem special to some, but for us it is the equivalent of our child’s birth. It was the day we got to finally hold and cuddly our baby girl. Diana and I spent last night looking at photos and videos of that day and remembering back how this journey first started. Stefanie was so quiet. She hardly made a sound. But she spent time looking at Diana and kept on looking for her. You could say that they had an immediate connection. Stefie tolerated me. Diana held her gave her some O’s to eat and they looked at each other quite a bit. Stefie even laughed and smiled when I was not in the room to see.

Our first family outing was a quick trip to the local Walmart. Yep a Walmart Supercenter in China. Stefanie and Diana searched the store and found many new things that Stefie needed. Stefie grabbed and would not let go of a green duck teething ring. Being able to go shopping for the first time bonded my girls well. They shared what would later prove to be their favorite past time. During this first outing Stefie tolerated me.

When we got back to the hotel we gave Stefanie a cool bath and Diana washed her hair. I watched while afterward Stefie sat on a comforter on the floor and played with her own toys. She really seemed to like not having to share anything for the first time. Everything was hers. There were toys abound and a Mommy too all hers there was even a Daddy to tolerate. That night we all went to bed with Stefanie’s crib right next to our bed. Diana laid down and reached in and stroked Stefanie’s head to comfort her to sleep. I reached in to try and bond a little as well. Stefanie was done tolerating me. She started to scream and scream and scream. She wanted me out of the room! After leaving the bedroom she relaxed and went to sleep. I crept back in to just stare at her.

Much of the next several days went pretty much the same except we had many things to get accomplished, like the official adoption the next day. Over the next few days we did so many things together and during each Stefanie and Diana bonded well. They went shopping for shoes, clothing, gifts, etc. I was relegated to pushing the stroller and carrying the many bags of stuff found and bought. But I enjoyed watching my girls bond and enjoying each other. Stefie smiled and melted our hearts.

During the outings I schlepped stuff from place to place. Because I did such a good job pushing and carrying, Stefie tolerated me. Each day Diana would remind me that it would take time, but Stefie would warm up to me at some point. We had to take Stefie to get her medicals in preparations for the official U.S.A. visa & citizenship papers the next day. Stefie was very good with all of the hustle and bustle going from doctor to doctor being poked and prodded. She looked at the doctors and didn’t complain. Again Stefie tolerated me.

Suddenly it was time to leave China and head back to the States. I loaded up the many, many, did I say many, bags. It felt like I as bringing back most of Walmart with us. There were a few complications but we finely made it onto the plane headed home. The airline was great they put us in a bulkhead row which would allow us to put Stefie in a basinet so she could sleep all the way back. Diana gets a bit claustrophobic so she gets to sit on the end and I always sit in the middle. After settling in both Diana and Stefie fell asleep.

After a bit it was time to watch a move. Each seat was equipped with individual screens. I went to bring up my screen to watch a move and low and behold, Stefie's basinet was in the way and I couldn’t bring up my screen. OK, I’ll read a book. The light gets into Stefie's eyes and she starts to complain. No reading. I tried to lay back and sleep as well. Diana’s head is on my shoulder and when I tried to get comfortable she stirs. The wall in front of me is a nice shade of beige with tiny dots on it. I start to count the dots. 12 ½ hr. later I finish counting the dots. The girls are awake and feel better, I’m exhausted from counting dots. But I tolerated it.

After we deplane at LAX we gathered all of our belongings and I pushed all of the carts while Diana pushed Stefie to the customs line. After a few hours Stefie was allowed to enter the country and I got to push the carts several terminals over to our next flight to Salt Lake City. We were met by my mother, one of my best friends Lloyd, Diana’s sister Theresa and Diana’s childhood friend Norma. Stefanie was well rested but understandably a little unsettled. She did smile for everyone and she looked very cute. I on the other hand was a tired sweaty wreck. When we finely got home Diana’s parents where there to greet us. They had come to Salt Lake to house sit. Stefie was a dream and they could not get enough of her. Stefie immediately took to them. While all this time I was merely tolerated, whats that about? I’m the dad!

Time has gone by and at some point, I’m not exactly sure when Stefie started to come around to me. Now we are best buds. Stefie calls for me in the morning, gives me big hugs and lots of kisses. Stefie has grown so much! Her smiles make my day hearing Da da when I get home is the best music to my ears. I can’t believe the first year has gone by already it seems just like it was last month that Stefanie came into our lives and made us a family. But, at the same time it feels like she has always been a part of me and at time I can’t remember a time when she was not with us.

Now the first year has come and gone, Stefie grabs things from my closet, often ruins my stuff, and on occasion she even deletes an important file from my computer. But to tell you the truth, I’m more than willing to tolerate it! I have to say to you all that for me there is nothing better in the world than being Stefanie’s Dad. Oh…and being married to Stefie’s Mom.

May 22, 2007

May 22, 2006

May 23, 2006

May 23, 2006

May 23, 2006

Family Day gifts: Slide, Art Easel and
color books with crayons.

Stefie could not wait to get on her slide!