Stefanie meets the Easter Bunny for the second time. Once again, Stefie has one on one alone time with the bunny. Can you believe she saw the bunny alone again? There were no kids taking photos when we arrived at the Mall. How is it possible there were no other kids with the bunny? What luck, again.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Lately, I have been thinking about going to the beach. I guess I was thinking about it so much I thought I would introduce Stefanie to sea shells. This is not quite the beach, and there was no sand, but Stefanie and I enjoyed the sea shells. Stefanie loved the large Star fish. Jon and I plan to take Stefanie to the beach in June.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Today, Stefanie became an official Utahn, and received her Utah birth certificate. Stefie is now more of a Utahn than Jon and I are. The State of Utah does not require re-adoption, although Jon and I choose to file papers. Stefanie's birth certificate came on the perfect day to celebrate, St. Patrick's Day!
Today we were celebrating St. Patrick's Day, and blowing bubbles with Stefanie when our neighbor came by, and informed us the Easter Bunny was at Walgreens. Jon and I quickly got Stefanie dressed so she could have a photo taken with the Easter bunny. Here she is and she had the opportunity to meet with him alone. There were no other children with the Bunny. What luck!